As a wife, mother of two young sons, full-time career-woman, and in charge of stemming the tide of disarray in our home, finding a little bit of "me" time - much less an hour to let my muse out for a run - is a challenge. I had thought that perhaps it was a function of the age of my kids (toddler and kindergarten age) but in conversations with other authors at Second Wind Publishing, age doesn't appear to be the factor. In fact, my children being in the age group that naps means I actually have at least one hour more than most do! (Sadly, it also means that sometimes I am the one who really needs the nap.)
Lucky for me that I find inspiration for new stories or plot developments from my dreams.
Carving out time to write involves a bit of creativity, an ability to multi-task, and a laptop. Weekends are typically the best time for me to get some serious writing or editing in. I frequently wake up before the guys and will take my laptop and a carafe of coffee onto our back porch to write until the family wakes. If the day is pleasant, I can get the kids dressed and turn them loose in the yard while I stay on the porch writing. If the day is rainy or otherwise unpleasant, the kids play inside or watch their shows on Noggin. As long as no one is bleeding I can typically tune out the vapid songs on the TV or the sounds of two children under the age of 6 working out their sharing and caring issues.
Weeknights are a totally different issue. With a 40+ hour work-week, I carry a fair amount of "mommy guilt" about spending family time doing anything but family activities. So, from the time we get home from daycare/after school care until the children go down for the night, it is all about them. As luck would have it, sometimes that is also when my muse or my characters start clamoring for my attention as well. After the kids are down, it is my husband's turn to have my mostly undivided attention. Finally, around 10 or so, I can sit down to write, answer e-mails or IM with friends, and pursue my interests. That pesky need for sleep impacts how long I can spend writing. I bought a book light that allows me to write without disturbing hubby's sleep too much but depending on how long my nails have gotten, the clicking of fingernails on the keyboard tends to make him a bit grumpy. (Of course, it also means that I can go get a mani-pedi without any flak from him about watching the kids!)
Next to the laptop, the invention of the jump or flash drive is perhaps the best thing for my ability to finish a chapter, no less a book! During my day job, I can carve out a lunch hour at least 3 days a week to write or edit. My advice to anyone struggling to find time to write is invest in a laptop, an extra battery, and a flash drive. Then, get really creative about carving out the time.
1 week ago
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